Friday, July 22, 2016

VIP Visit

On Wednesday July 20th, CGC MORGENTHAU hosted the District Commander, Rear Admiral Atkins and the Chief of Staff, U.S. Pacific Command, Major General Hartsell.  

Major General Hartsell is welcomed aboard CGC MORGENTHAU by the side boys.
Side boys are a ceremonial way of rendering honors to dignitaries both
boarding and leaving a ship.

ENS LaRiviere greets Major General Hartsell on the flight deck alongside XO.

Rear Admiral Atkins is rendered honors when boarding CGC MOREGENTHAU.
BM3 Conception plays the Boatswain's pipe directing the actions of the sideboys.

Captain Lane and General Hartsell have a discussion on the bridge wing.

General Hartsell observes CGC Galveston Island from the bridge.

Captain Lane explains the aviation capabilities of MORGENTHAU.

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