Thursday, June 2, 2016


Congratulations to SN Balun and SN Crochetiere on earning their Temporary Cutterman Pins.

MK3 Landaverde joined the ranks of the permanent Cutterman. In this ceremony, all Cutterman onboard dip the Cutterman's Pin into saltwater before Captain Lane pins it on their newest member.

The earning of the Cutterman's Pin signifies those who have endured the demands, hardships, and dangers of sea.  The design can be divided into three basic areas, each being representative of a Cutterman's special qualities.  The ship's wheel and breaking waves represent the heritage of the sea.  The five pointed star symbolizes the required five years of cumulative sea duty.  And at the center, the Coast Guard shield, representing the Coast Guard and its heritage of seagoing traditions.

The Cutterman's Insignia signifies that the wearer has exhibited the requisite professionalism and dedication to duty expected of seagoing Coast Guard personnel.  The Cutterman's Insignia is a highly visible means of recognizing these qualities and immediately identifies the wearer as a professional mariner.

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