Monday, July 27, 2015

Sounding One Prolonged

Image 1: ENS Daniel Chase, ET2 Eugenio Edwards, and other members of MORGENTHAU's crew man the bridge while transiting through the San Francisco Bay.

Image 2: ET3 Cory Hinderer takes visual fixes while MORGENTHAU passes beneath the Golden Gate Bridge.

Image 3: ENS Matt Monahan observes traffic in the San Francisco Bay.

Image 4: ET3 Paul Stafford, ENS Spencer Zwenger, and ENS Robert Copeland ensure safe navigation of MORGENTHAU through the bay.

Image 5: MORGENTHAU puts the Golden Gate Bridge behind her as she performs sea trials following a 6 month dry dock period.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics!! Happy to see that you are FINALLY out of dry dock and speeding home to Hawaii.
