Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Congratulations to our new minted LTJGs!
(Left to Right: LTJG Schultz, LTJG Chase, LTJG Gathy, LTJG Pfaff, LTJG Monahan, LTJG Camejo)

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

With the help of Feeding Hawaii Together CGC MORGENTHAU and CGC SHERMAN collected food for 13 local families (50+ people) so they could celebrate Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Partners in Education

Last week CGC MORGENTHAU participated in Partners in Education with Hokulani Elementary School. The keiki enjoyed learning about the Coast Guard and playing outside with the Coasties. Thank you to all who participated!

Sailor of the Quarter

FS2 Elisabeth Crichton receiving her Sailor of the Quarter Award for the 4th Quarter 2015. Congratulations FS2! Thanks for all your hard work.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Changing of the Watch

Seaman Apprentice Ward is welcomed aboard in front of the crew of USCGC MORGENTHAU by Seaman Hairston.

Captain Lane reads FS3 Jamal's departing award on his last day of service aboard USCGC MORGENTHAU and in the U.S. Coast Guard. Fair winds and following seas!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Climbing the Ranks

Image 1: FS2 John Martinez recieves his new insignia for Petty Officer 2nd Class from FSCS Aaron Dunn and FS2 Elisabeth Crichton.

Image 2: BM1 Gerald Oudraad is promoted to Petty Officer 1st Class and recieves his new insignia from ME1 Jeremiah Babas and FS1 Sean Leffew.
Image 3: BM2 Elliot Gray receives his insignia for Petty Officer 2nd class from BM1 John Murphy and BM2 Samuel Traver (utilizing a step stool) in front of the MORGENTHAU crew on the flight deck.


Captain Lane congratulates Fireman Cameron Fageol after awarding him a temporary Cutterman's Pin on the flight deck of USCGC MORGENTHAU.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Take In Line 1!

CGC MORGENTHAU, with water under her freshly painted keel, is looking forward to putting many nautical miles behind her.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Sounding One Prolonged

Image 1: ENS Daniel Chase, ET2 Eugenio Edwards, and other members of MORGENTHAU's crew man the bridge while transiting through the San Francisco Bay.

Image 2: ET3 Cory Hinderer takes visual fixes while MORGENTHAU passes beneath the Golden Gate Bridge.

Image 3: ENS Matt Monahan observes traffic in the San Francisco Bay.

Image 4: ET3 Paul Stafford, ENS Spencer Zwenger, and ENS Robert Copeland ensure safe navigation of MORGENTHAU through the bay.

Image 5: MORGENTHAU puts the Golden Gate Bridge behind her as she performs sea trials following a 6 month dry dock period.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Damage Control Readiness - An All-Hands Responsibility

USCGC MORGENTHAU conducted hands-on Damage Control training for recently reported members of the crew. Training included firefighting, pipe patching, and dewatering.
Image 1: Petty Officer Adrian Villarroel conducts training on a P-100 pump.

Image 2: Ensign Robert Pfaff and Petty Officer John Jarrett conduct hose-handling training on the dry-dock floor beneath the bow of USCGC MORGENTHAU.

Image 3: Petty Officer Anthony Qualtiere trains the crew on proper operation of an Electric Submersible Pump.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Solid Sailor

Captain Lane congratulates Petty Officer Brian Lawler on his reception of a Good Conduct Award.

Newly Reporting


Captain Lane welcomes aboard two new Ensigns (ENS Spencer Zwenger and ENS Nolan Salyer from left to right).


Chief Warrant Officer Adrian Schmidt offers a few words of advice as he says goodbye after 6 years of service aboard CGC MORGENTHAU and CGC JARVIS. SUPPO is headed ashore to Air Station Barber's Point.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fair Winds

LTJG Michael Massaro addresses the crew of CGC MORGENTHAU as he prepares to depart for his next assignment in New London, CT.

Following Seas

CDR Balmaceda delivers an award to LTJG Douglas Anna as he prepares to depart CGC MORGENTHAU for his next assignment in Juneau, AK.


Welcome Aboard

Commander Balmaceda welcomes aboard four 3/c Cadets for their summer assignment on CGC MORGENTHAU.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Asian-Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Members of the MORGENTHAU crew took part in traditional activities in celebration of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage month at CG Base Alameda. 
 Image 1: Crew members perform the Haka, an aggressive war dance traditionally done by the Maori people of New Zealand before battle.
 Image 2: Crew members prepare to perform a traditional dance.

Image 3: A traditional costume gets up close and personal with Vice Admiral Ray.

Monday, June 8, 2015

VADM Ray Visit

USCGC MORGENTHAU had the pleasure of welcoming VADM Ray on board in May to speak to the crew and take a tour of the ship in drydock.
Image 1: VADM Ray presents an award to EM2 Quintana.

Image 2: VADM Ray performs a re-enlistment ceremony for SK3 Taylor.
Image 3: VADM Ray addresses DC2 Filippone, MK3 Chargualaf, and other members of the Engineering Department in Main Control.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Operation Green Flash

Aerial shot of CGC MORGENTHAU in formation with Canadian and Mexican Navy vessels in January, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Work continues on CGC MORGENTHAU. Extensive scaffolding allows access to every inch of the MORGENTHAU's exterior for repairs and preservation.


Photo taken in February, 2015 shortly after CGC MORGENTHAU commenced her dry dock availability.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


As part of our ongoing effort to improve and organize our social media presence, MORGENTHAU created this site to provide the crew, our families, and friends a place to share general updates and current events.