Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Aloha All,
Hope everyone is doing well. CGC MORGENTHAU will no longer be using this blog as a means of posting pictures and providing updates. Instead, we will be putting out a monthly Gazette will articles and photos. This will be distributed using the contact list from the Ombudsman. If you are not on the contact list please email our MORGENTHAU Ombudsman and ensure you are added to the list.

Mahalo to everyone who has followed our journey on this blog. We miss you all and can not wait to be home soon.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


CGC MORGENTHAU got right into the action for the fall ALPAT with a SAR

case on a small sailing vessel.  MORGENTHAU and her crew towed the vessel back to Dutch Harbor in rough currents and the master was able to safely moor and fix his vessel. The patrol is off to a great start!

Friday, July 22, 2016

VIP Visit

On Wednesday July 20th, CGC MORGENTHAU hosted the District Commander, Rear Admiral Atkins and the Chief of Staff, U.S. Pacific Command, Major General Hartsell.  

Major General Hartsell is welcomed aboard CGC MORGENTHAU by the side boys.
Side boys are a ceremonial way of rendering honors to dignitaries both
boarding and leaving a ship.

ENS LaRiviere greets Major General Hartsell on the flight deck alongside XO.

Rear Admiral Atkins is rendered honors when boarding CGC MOREGENTHAU.
BM3 Conception plays the Boatswain's pipe directing the actions of the sideboys.

Captain Lane and General Hartsell have a discussion on the bridge wing.

General Hartsell observes CGC Galveston Island from the bridge.

Captain Lane explains the aviation capabilities of MORGENTHAU.


      On Wednesday 20 July 2016, members of the CGC MORGENTHAU (WHEC 722) volunteered at the Feeding Hawaii Together food bank to help serve locals in need. We lent a hand in a myriad of ways, from installing vital ventilation and organizing supplies, to checking in members with valid identification and helping shoppers pick out the necessities. The
compassionate staff was full of smiles and grateful for the extra help from the men and women in blue.

      The local non-profit has been helping Honolulu since 2002. The food

distribution center is operated like a supermarket, where patrons may choose from a large selection of perishable and non-perishable groceries. This style of distribution not only feeds entire families, but also helps them to build confidence, become more self-sufficient, eat healthier, and retain their dignity. All the products are donated and go to the public free of charge. Once a week qualified individuals can stock up on all the living necessities; including food, clothing, furniture, and school supplies. These essentials keep the community thriving in an increasingly expensive city to live.

      A Big Mahalo to the Executive Director Charlie Lorenz for all his

support. To find out more about the program please visit: FEEDING HAWAII TOGETHER.ORG

Members of Morgenthau volunteering at Feeding Hawaii Together.

SA Grady cuts egg crates to distribute to families.
ENS Marchalonis works on putting together a fan to improve circulation
in the warehouse.
FS3 Healy assists in checking in customers at the food bank.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Honolulu Fire Department

Last week MORGENTHAU participated in an interagency drill with both the
federal and local fire departments in Honolulu.  In port, our partnerships
with other local government entities are vital.  In the case of any
emergency onboard whether fire or medical, we can depend on our local
partners to back us up.  Thanks to all the organizations for their
participation last week!

HFD uses their ladder to get onboard MORGENTHAU from the bow.

HFD firefighters monitor the progress of the drill from the pier.

Members of the HFD team meet with MORGENTHAU firefighters on the pier.

ENS Rodriguez discusses the plan of attack with a member of the
federal firefighting team.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016


DCs and MKs hard at work, as usual, to keep MORGENTHAU fully mission capable!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Dutch Harbor Morale

The Polar Plunge!

The Wardroom did a cemetery cleanup of fallen Sailors.

Advancement Bay

Anchored in what we have deemed Advancement Bay we celebrated our shipmate's great accomplishments as they Advance and Promote. Congratulations to all!

HS1 Nolan makes First Class!

FSC Mulford joins the Chief's Mess!

CWO Lee joins the Wardroom!
MORGENTHAU's Chief's Mess

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Congratulations to SN Balun and SN Crochetiere on earning their Temporary Cutterman Pins.

MK3 Landaverde joined the ranks of the permanent Cutterman. In this ceremony, all Cutterman onboard dip the Cutterman's Pin into saltwater before Captain Lane pins it on their newest member.

The earning of the Cutterman's Pin signifies those who have endured the demands, hardships, and dangers of sea.  The design can be divided into three basic areas, each being representative of a Cutterman's special qualities.  The ship's wheel and breaking waves represent the heritage of the sea.  The five pointed star symbolizes the required five years of cumulative sea duty.  And at the center, the Coast Guard shield, representing the Coast Guard and its heritage of seagoing traditions.

The Cutterman's Insignia signifies that the wearer has exhibited the requisite professionalism and dedication to duty expected of seagoing Coast Guard personnel.  The Cutterman's Insignia is a highly visible means of recognizing these qualities and immediately identifies the wearer as a professional mariner.

Saturday, May 28, 2016


MORGENTHAU made her mark on Dutch Harbor. Thanks to all who participated! #722life!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Golden Dragons in the Making

WOGs form a 180 as the MORGENTHAU crosses the 180th meridian. Congratulations soon to be Golden Dragons.

We found the ice line!