Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fair Winds

LTJG Michael Massaro addresses the crew of CGC MORGENTHAU as he prepares to depart for his next assignment in New London, CT.

Following Seas

CDR Balmaceda delivers an award to LTJG Douglas Anna as he prepares to depart CGC MORGENTHAU for his next assignment in Juneau, AK.


Welcome Aboard

Commander Balmaceda welcomes aboard four 3/c Cadets for their summer assignment on CGC MORGENTHAU.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Asian-Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Members of the MORGENTHAU crew took part in traditional activities in celebration of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage month at CG Base Alameda. 
 Image 1: Crew members perform the Haka, an aggressive war dance traditionally done by the Maori people of New Zealand before battle.
 Image 2: Crew members prepare to perform a traditional dance.

Image 3: A traditional costume gets up close and personal with Vice Admiral Ray.

Monday, June 8, 2015

VADM Ray Visit

USCGC MORGENTHAU had the pleasure of welcoming VADM Ray on board in May to speak to the crew and take a tour of the ship in drydock.
Image 1: VADM Ray presents an award to EM2 Quintana.

Image 2: VADM Ray performs a re-enlistment ceremony for SK3 Taylor.
Image 3: VADM Ray addresses DC2 Filippone, MK3 Chargualaf, and other members of the Engineering Department in Main Control.